Déjà Vu — A Science Beyond

I remember, when I first landed in London in mid 90s to join a business-critical IT assignment, the first day was very disturbing for me. After the work, I along with my friends thought of visiting the iconic Tower Bridge in central London, which was near to our office. As I entered the Tower Bridge area, I felt as if I had lost all friends and someone had taken me to the past, the past which was indistinct, unclear and yet powerful. I felt as if I was knowing the roads. I could figure it out the roads -the turnings and I could guess the prominent buildings on both sides of the road. I became unconscious after a few min and friends brought me back to the hotel.

I attributed the chilly cold of London as the reason behind my unusual response. However, within me, I was knowing that I could not handle the flow of energy which was taking me through the timelines connecting my past with the present.

After a few years, I got to know that this experience is called as “Déjà vu” — a french word, meaning previously seen. Most of the human beings in their life get a glimpse to these mystic experiences, where there is an uncanny sensation of past experiences exhibited at current moment. There are a lot of hypothesis around it — none of them widely accepted by the scientific community. The mystics believe that through Déjà vu, we get temporal access to the cosmic consciousness, for neuroscientists — it’s a cross over data making us think like as if it had happened. Many who considers themselves as rationale or logical and those who don’t believe in this exceptional experience, too get glimpse of Déjà vu.

There is no perfect theory to this unproven concept.

Déjà vu occurrence is the feeling that you are experiencing a situation that you’ve been through before. It brings your past, present and future to the same plateau, leaving you ecstatic. This state brings your emotions and decisions to perfect equilibrium. The more Déjà vu moments you experience in life, the more you will be at peace with your feelings, rationale, and people around you. This is the moment where past-present-future merge, and everything just becomes the present moment — the oscillatory pendulum of the mind stops in that present moment. The mind just wants to experience the emotions of that present moment — that is why it is beyond words or explanation but only something to be experienced.