Choices — The Kernel of Human Prosperity

No dilemma is less paradoxical than choosing between path, righteous path and the journey which will make us successful.

There is no society which does not threaten, does not demand special justification of our deeds, questions necessities arising out of our survival instincts.

The choices that we make guide our live and take us to the destination we deserve. The ambiguities of uncertain forces always make us vulnerable to the paths, which lead to irrational journey. However, the augmented foresightedness in the form of best possible choices filters out the more general intervention.

That is the primary reason why choices are termed as kernel of human prosperity. In the principle of cause-effect, choice is the cause and it’s also the attitude for well-being and resonates with the ability to sail through human journey. Choice is the faculty which puts humans above all other species on the planet. Only humans have been endowed with choice as an option in everything we do. Animals have to live their lives in a certain defined and pre-programmed way. The most simplistic way to understand the choice faculty is to know that it is a cause and effect’ relationship. You reap what you sow. If I were to refine it further, the cause and effect in our lives happen because of the choices we make. The choices I make today will impact me the very next second, minute, year or even decade later.

The choices can be correlated to that of Kernel. Kernel is the intrinsic component in human engineering which manifests as thoughts and desires at intellectual and emotional layers. It further translates as actions at the physical layer. While right choices help us making right decisions, a slight deviation from it can bring halt to our progress. To draw a parlance, every individual is born alike and everyone has twenty four hours every day. It is the choices that take someone to the powerful and celebrity league, while many struggle finding their own identity in their entire life.