Are we becoming Tech obese...?

As we are advancing our voyage in digital world, technology is changing gears from a professional space into our personal and social spaces too.

With technology set foot in these spaces, the time we spend on tech gadgets is increasing at a speed, far more than what originators of tech and the social media platforms themselves ever anticipated.

Let’s look at some statistics[1]:

1.    Phone screen time: According to research from RescueTime,

  • People spend an average of 3 hrs 15 mins on phones daily
  • Top 20% phone users spend over 4 hrs 30 mins daily
  • These numbers do not include time spent on other screens (e.g. laptop, TV).

2.    Phone pick-ups:

  • We pick up our phones 58 times a day on an average. The act of compulsive checking directly impacts our productivity.  
  • It takes an average of 23 minutes and 15 seconds to get back to the focus on a task once you have been distracted, as per a study by the University of California Irvine.

These stats tell a story – the story of increasing tech intrusion in human lives, much beyond physical boundaries, into emotional space.

The question arises - are we becoming tech obese?

The change is Exponential

Technology has been around us for a long time. The first tool was developed by humans 2.5 million years ago; it was a tech innovation for that time. Since then, it has been progressing, albeit, at a snail pace.

This pace shifted gears in 1750s with first industrial revolution when steam engine came to life. Subsequently, the speed of change in last 250 years outpaced the change of earlier 2.5 million years! 

It brought globalisation, and huge advancement to our lifestyles.  However, that was the era which changed the way we Humans were doing things!

But the current era of tech intrusion in our lives changes us – The HUMANS!

This era of ‘cyber-physical systems’ - where machine capabilities are merging with humans, is the most transformational times of Human history.

The change isn’t incremental, it is exponential!

In this jet speeding frenzied changes, the key questions to be asked:

  • Are tech gadgets and companies making US happier or busier?
  • Are WE becoming Tech Obese?

The time is NOW to check-in with TEAM HUMAN!

Where do you stand?



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