Meditation Meets Innovation: Blooming Creativity at Work

Silence Sparks Insight: How Meditation Fuels Creative Solutions

“The quieter you become, the more you can hear”― Rumi

Let’s face it, there are times when we all blankly look at the screen in the office with more questions than answers. And, looking for that extra zing in our ideas or creativity. Then there are times when we are sitting in those monotonous brainstorming sessions where the only thing that is happening is a perfect storm of thoughts creating turbulence in our grey matter. And then we feel there’s always some new AI tool which will have the answer to all the problems.

Wondering if there's a better way to foster creativity and innovation in the workplace? What if the secret lies in your very existence, something so elemental that has been with us for thousands of years and yet we haven’t been able to master it?

I am talking about meditation and breathing. You must be wondering….meditation and innovation, what is the connection?

A lot to say the least. Let me decode it step by step.,Beyond the Buzz: Real-

World Impact of Mindfulness in Business

What started as a hippie or yogi movement some years ago has become the need of the hour. Especially, with our lives getting busier by the day with a notification on our phone in one minute, to a call on the other.

How do we become mindful when our mind is already full of thoughts, imagination, and emotions?

With the whole mental health focus movement, we have seen that mindfulness has become mainstream and entered the corporate wellness ecosystem. .

I call it mental wealth!

Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce has recently claimed that meditation plays a huge role in his life. Right from his insights to his actions, the habit has helped him evolve as a leader and professional. A good meditation session sets the tone for his day. Ray Dalio the famous investor, and Founder of Bridgewater Associates attributes his success to meditation. He believes it gives him a clear mind and a calm demeanor, even when he’s facing personal and professional challenges.

If you thought, this phenomenon was only restricted to just leadership teams, think again because Goldman Sachs has officially introduced a mindfulness employee engagement program.

Mindful Leadership: The Secret Ingredient to Business Success

You must be thinking how does one fuel innovation by sitting in one corner with your eyes closed and focusing on your breathing?

Let’s get to the point. It's simple.

Your brain is overloaded throughout the day. To be creative, we need to be disconnected from the constant brain chatter, making room for fresh thoughts. By honing our focus and understanding, we spot new possibilities and see novel opportunities.

Moreover, meditation allows us to adopt and adapt to fresh ideas, new perspectives and multiple outlooks, which are the keys to unlocking creativity. When we tackle issues with a refreshed mindset, free from entrenched thoughts and biases, we're likely to find innovative solutions.

They’ve been there. Innovated that

Aetna, a CVS Health Companyis a massive U.S. health insurance organisation. In 2010, they introduced mindfulness to their team. This included meditation and yoga during work hours.

The outcome?

A boost of $2,000 per worker in productivity and a fall of $3,000 in healthcare costs per employee!

Creating a Mindful Workspace: From Zen Rooms to Productivity Boosts

Have you ever had a boss who was always grumpy in the morning, blaming traffic and making a mess with spilt coffee? That's not exactly a symbol of peace or innovation. Imagine, instead, a leader who begins their day with calm meditation. They are a source of tranquillity, tackle challenges with new ideas, and motivate their team to brainstorm innovatively.

It's not only about leaders practicing mindfulness for their inner peace; It's also about setting a mood that speaks volumes. Just a simple, “relax, you got this, take a deep breath and let’s refocus”, can do wonders for the morale of a team and can foster innovation and re-imagination of ideas.

Create a culture of - breathe easy

Imagine walking into an office with a designated meditation room, filled with soothing colors, rich linens and perhaps a gently bubbling Zen fountain. It's like a corporate whisper, "Come on, sit back, breathe, and forget about that email chain for a moment.”

Connecting the dots of creativity and innovation at Pixar Animation Studios

Pixar Animation Studios is a household name for creativity and innovativeness within the animation industry. An enormous part of their annual celebration comes from their ‘BrainTrust’ events, in which filmmakers are brought together to offer insight and support towards the projects of their peers. In doing this, the company welcomes not only the hard work and innovativeness of any given team but also works to encourage others to share and collaborate their ideas. Pixar knows that innovation happens within a bubble in which all feel respect for their collective input.

Innovative Celebrations: How Mindfulness Cultivates a Creative Culture

Now, onto celebrating successes – and I don’t just mean popping champagne every time we hit а target (though, admittedly, that’s fun). It's about acknowledging the innovative mindset and the journey it took to get there.

LinkedIn’s "InDay" (Inspiration Day), is one such initiative I highly admire.

It's recognising employees who spent weeks reflecting & contemplating on a complex problem to arrive at a solution that breaks the mould.

Summing Up….

I call, Innovation & Meditation - The Perfect Couple!

By leading with calmness, fostering spaces for reflection, and celebrating every step of the journey, we cultivate an environment ripe for ground-breaking innovation….

Now, close your eyes, and embrace this beautiful couple…!

As aConsciouspreneur®, I promote them. What is your take?