Men are not naturally free

‘Men are not naturally free’ - this is the foundation upon which autocracy stands. Excessive exhibition of this philosophy germinates the seeds of inequality, where Human values are cornered to the state of oblivion, affecting the laws of Nature.

The aftermath of such situation is the Self-actualisation, compassions towards fellow being and tryst to maintain balance between Human desire and exploitation of Nature. The 1920s pandemic - Spanish flu, which took 50 million lives world-wide, manifested this thought in human minds is anyone’s guess. However, the current COVID pandemic has definitely put a searchlight around Human ‘Existentialism’ and its’ true values.

As we slowly emerge out of COVID lockdown phase, the Businesses focussing on aspect of Human ‘Existentialism’, are likely to be the Winner once it is over.

‘Lives above Livelihood’ has taken centre stage!

The 17th century books ‘Two Treatise of government’ and ‘Essays on the law of nature’ by John Locke beautifully depicts this…