How COVID-19 has forced us to do a lot of introspection…

Like there was a BC and AD in history for time, there will be a world, which will be known to us as BC (Before Corona) and AC (After Corona). With millions infected and thousands dead, Corona has redefined the way we eat, sleep and breathe. While the world has gone into a lockdown mode, COVID-19 has made us introspect ourselves about who we are and where we are headed. Here are some of the things COVID has made us do some soul searching

Striking Work-Life Balance

Before COVID-19 happened, we bet most of us were just waking up and going to work like we are some sort of robots. Humans were meant to create machines. Not become one. Let’s face it our lives had become too mechanical. We were spending more time in our workspaces than home. More in our cabins than our living room. COVID-19 has helped us reclaim those precious moments with our family, which we were missing out on. Be it playing with our kids or helping our spouse cook in the kitchen. Little things that go a long way.

Has made us go back to classrooms or the drawing board

Sitting at home has given us time to breathe and think about our strengths and weaknesses. That’s why many of us have picked up a new skill or muse during the lockdown. People are picking up new passions or probably renwing their rusted skills

Accidental Entrepreneurs

Let’s get straight. The economy is going to be in the doldrums post the Corona world. This means plenty of layoffs, salary cuts and mass unemployment. It means many employees might become entrepreneurs, not by choice but by circumstances. The positive — they have nothing to lose so they might just go all out and become good at their craft. This positive mindset is because of introspection from within that we are much more multi-faceted or talented than our degrees and careers.

New captains of the industry

When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Well, in the post COVID-19 world, new leaders at workplaces will emerge. That’s because, it’s easy to lead when things are going hunky-dory. Challenging times bring out the true leadership skills in you. That is to introspect, envision and execute against the status quo. All great leaders were born out of introspection.

Money can’t buy you freedom

This pandemic has forced corporates to rethink their entire scheme of things. After all, multi-billion dollar corporations have been forced to shut down for weeks now. All the profits, billions of dollars, power and connections could not safeguard them from the virus. So, in a post COVID-19 world, we’d see organizations allowing more flexibility, collaboration and employee wellbeing in the long term to retain and revolutionize the ball game in the new era.

Nature’s stick is silent but deadly

With all the tools, technology and resources, man started thinking that he owns or controls planet earth. This pandemic has been a reality check for the human race that Nature’s actions are louder than words. And when it strikes, it can cause destruction to thousands and millions.

Right from a billionaire to the man on the street earning his daily bread, all have to sit back, introspect and be the change they want to see in this post-Corona world.

What’s the one thing that you would like to accomplish after this Pandemic? I would love to know…